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1 Dec 16, 2008 01:04    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have previously looked at this software for my website (Which I have yet to create). I am looking for the ability for multiple users to blog on one site under various categories. Not only that, but I would like for the main page to say user XXX has updated their blog, including a link to the blog and maybe a picture with the ability to read more. Is there an easy way to do this? Does it require plugins etc? Can anyone recommend any other software capable of this? (And not WPMU).

Any help you can give will be much appreciated.


2 Dec 16, 2008 22:22

Like any software b2evo can only satisfy most of the people "out of the box"

guess your decision is, "does it do enough for me?" ;)


3 Dec 17, 2008 01:56

Yup, of course! Completely understandable. I dont have any skills with PHP or similar so am not able to edit to suit me. My skills lie in engineering. Hence the problem. Thats the reason id like plugins that people have wrote. Im going to install it and see what I can see. I have tried WPMU but it requires a lot more skills in develoment and design than I am comfortable with tbh. Someone recommended Dolphin, which I tried only to discover that its geared towards dating! Really not what im after at all! Tried a couple of others, but there doesnt seem to be the level of depth that I am after.

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