2 yabba Dec 18, 2008 18:01

¥åßßå wrote:
Try replacing this :
RewriteRule ^(linkblog)(/.*)?$ $1.php
RewriteRule ^(linkblog)(/.*)?$ ../$1.php$2 [QSA, L]
Thanks - I tried this, but it breaks the main-blog now as well (getting error 500)
I'm not sure if this is the right place ... i hope so.
i have a single blog at http://eileentotheleft.org and I created one blog there.
when articles are created, the link includes the blog name "blog"
I've seen blogs where the "blog" name is omitted where the link would be just the index.php/Title but I can't figure it out.
Something is making me think your issue is unrelated to .htaccess stuff. Meaning I think you have /blog/ added somewhere on your "Blog settings -> pick a blog -> URLs" sub-tab. In other words it is there because somehow you told it to be there. Oh wait this is assuming the installation is at the root level and not in a /blog/ folder, but I'm pretty sure it is so I'm pretty sure you can find and remove it via the back office.
I'm also pretty sure that tomorrow I'm going to run off a mountain, fall a few thousand feet up, and land across the street from my house. Life is GOOD!
Thanks EdB.
I chose this setting:
Default blog in index.phphttp://eileentotheleft.org/index.php (Current default : blog)
This did the trick.
Now, if I add another blog (ie blog=2) will that then add /index.php/blog2/Title? or can that one also be set up as a default?
Try replacing this :
RewriteRule ^(linkblog)(/.*)?$ $1.php
RewriteRule ^(linkblog)(/.*)?$ ../$1.php$2 [QSA, L]