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1 Dec 19, 2008 14:05    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

So I've installed the SimplePie plug in and it works perfectly. But now I get this error message displayed at the top of the sidebar: XML error: no element found at line 1, column 0 and I haven't a clue what that means. Solved now.

2 Dec 19, 2008 14:21

Hi Nicodemus,

I have no clue about SimplePie, but thanks to sam2kb I think your problem might be an extra </div> tag, or an unclosed <div> tag. Seeing how it is in the sidevar I would guess it is an uneeded one at the end of your plugin.

What is your website address?

Gene :-)

3 Dec 19, 2008 14:33

Oh my God I'm having a really daft day today - worse than usual! I've just realised that when I first added the widget I added it to the header first by mistake and then forgot to delete it once I realised my error. So problem solved but thanks anyway.

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