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1 Dec 23, 2008 13:26    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I am running a semi-blog structure with this system and I am wondering if it would be possible to always add the posting user's Nickname to the bottom of each posting.

Please let me know if/how this is possible.

Thank you

2 Dec 23, 2008 13:48

Does your skin not show you "posted by $$$$ on ##/##/##" already ?


3 Dec 23, 2008 13:53

no it does not. I am attempting to get this since I have currently seven posting users. the admin (me) can see it in the back end but on the blog you cannot see it.

all I get is "Posted in %%%%% | Feedback >>"

The skin I am using is evopress

4 Dec 23, 2008 13:58

Add this code snippet to your skins posts.main.php ( and you probably want it in single.main.php as well )

     		$Item->author( array(
						'before'       => ' | '.T_('by').' <strong>',
						'after'        => '</strong>',
					) );


5 Dec 23, 2008 14:02

where in the code should this snippet be placed? anywhere in particular?

6 Dec 23, 2008 14:03

Wherever you want the name to appear.

Note : if the section is not already part of a php section then you will need to wrap the snippet with <?php /* snippet*/ ?>


7 Dec 23, 2008 14:08

Okay I have done this and now I have noticed one small glitch.

When the "Posted by" bit comes up it is indenting by another set on each post...if you want the site please let me know and I will give it to you so you can see.

NM. I can live with what it looks like. I got it all working now. Thanks.

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