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1 Dec 24, 2008 21:05    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I just noticed that all my old posts, and any new ones I create, which have single quotes ( ' ), which are quite a bit in the English language when I use them as apostrophes, are being doubled up each time.

So if I had an old blog post with something like, "My friend's dog", it would now read as, "My friend''s dog"

Similarly, if I make a new post and write, "It's a dog" it would then be translated into "It''s a dog"

Any clues about what happened? Or where I might start looking to trouble shoot? I haven't changed anything in the code base.

Edit:This is not a problem with b2evolution, I don't think, because I noticed that my Gallery 2 installation is now having the same problem. Must be something up with the hosting, but I'm not sure what. Any thoughts are still appreciated if you might know what could be causing it.

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