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1 Dec 30, 2008 22:15    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


What is the SQL syntax to list posts and its comments for each blog? :?:

Thanks in advance.

2 Jan 02, 2009 14:59

You want to use SQL? You can use the itemlist class and a Iterator...
But, if you want to make raw queries, turn on the debug and you will see the queries in the footer!

3 Jan 02, 2009 21:37

Thanks for your reply, Walter.

If you would please, can you provide an example on how to use that class - say, to create a result set of posts (items) and the blog each belongs to?


4 Jan 05, 2009 14:27

You can open a skin and see the methods in action.. A sample:

		while( $Item = & mainlist_get_item() )
                  // now you will have a Item, a blog posts, with a lot of methods:
		// Display CONTENT:
		$Item->content_teaser( array(
				'before'      => '',
				'after'       => '',
			) );
		$Item->more_link( array(
				'before'    => $params['before_more_link'],
				'after'     => $params['after_more_link'],
				'link_text' => $params['more_link_text'],
			) );
		$Item->content_extension( array(
				'before'      => '',
				'after'       => '',
			) );

		// Links to post pages (for multipage posts):
		$Item->page_links( '<p class="right">'.T_('Pages:').' ', '</p>', ' &middot; ' );

Open some skin, open and enjoy! You can use the online docs, on

5 Jan 08, 2009 12:34

Thanks for the info, Walter.

I'll give it a try.

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