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1 Dec 31, 2008 16:27    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I recently upgraded my b2evo from v1 to v2 using fantastico. I did not change the names and it royally hozed my blog. I've installed a new version of b2evo v2 and have hacked together an sql text file combining my posts from v1 with the newer syntax in v2. i basically just extracting the old evo_items and evo_prerender stuff with a few other adjustments and created a new database. the import worked fine, i can see all the fields.

all that being said, when I log into admin.php i see no posts. isn't it accessing the database? I know little about databases, but i can see all the fields and there are 1430 items where my posts should be in raw database form.

how can I get my new b2evo install to recognize them?

can i parse the text file into wordpress and bring it back or any other crazy work arounds? i don't want to lose 6 years of blogging!


3 Jan 02, 2009 22:01

yes I have an SQL file. i also have a backup of all the directories (not sure if there is anything in there.) i've been trying to format it to reimport using the MTimport tool, but it is beyond me! haha.


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