2 filthio Jan 08, 2009 13:43

Thanks man, I didnt mean to be so evasive with that request, I was in a hurry. Picture this: I am inlove with the idea of having a blog that people will read and enjoy......but I may be out of my league as I am not a writer, I failed the only college prep composition class in high school, so I have no reason to believe I am a writer. But, I dont think I need to be a writer to have the type of blog I want. I am inexperienced and have a lot of questions and will narrow them down and start asking with what I thinkis most important. Does that make sence?.........I guess the first thing is picking a theme/blog that people will take time to read, then the ultimate end scenerio would be to monetize. I hope this is enough information for guys to chew on until I get it all straight in my head.
When I stated theme/blog, what I really meant was the core meaning/subject of the blog. It has to be something cool and interesting or people wont stop and look. I wasnt referring to skins, although they are important also.
We can't tell you what to write about ;)
Pick something you know a lot about, or enjoy, and post about it
Hey blondie, thanks.......I guess you're right, would you mind giving your opinion on an idea.......with the essence of the blog being comedy, news, current events type blog. I am from the south and was entertaining the idea of a hill billyish type rhetoric and talk, but trying to come across knowledgeable would be funny by itself, like the title of the blog Ten Thumbs Blog & Review, how many funny ideas could you come up with for that name, I can think of the hill billy incest thing right off the bat and a few more. Do most people like to be intertained and am I an intertainer should be what I need to ask myself. It could only cost some embarrassment of failure at the worse. What do you think?
Far better to try and look like a dick than to never try and always wonder if you would have looked like a dick ;)
The only one I really admired was the little nubby between my legs, as far as wanting to look like.......well, maybe I'll come up with another idea. :lol:
Wait a minute......Ten Dicks Blog & Review, a topic for everyone and sister is welcome.
turnNburn_1x wrote:
Wait a minute......Ten Dicks Blog & Review, a topic for everyone and sister is welcome.
turnNburn_1x wrote:
.......well, maybe I'll come up with another idea. :lol:
Take your time :D
You need to be a lot more specific. Forum users here are happy to help but you've got to at least start us off with some questions.