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1 Jan 11, 2009 01:35    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x



I'm completely new at using plugins for hacks so this is my next major goal at trying to use them and use them effectively. I'm hoping others will chime in to show me how to use it as it was intended.

Until then, here's what I've done so far (starting yesterday) to try to reduce the amount of file hacking:

I created a class that extends the 'Plugin' class. I added routines (methods) in that new class and used them like other distro objects.

The reason being for doing it this way other than lack of knowledge about its proper use is that if other plugin developers begin using the distro's '_plugin.class.php' to add more methods to, I don't want to constantly keep adding my functions to their revised version for each new plugin/widget I add. Hopefully, others will just add a new class file for their application that extends the distro's 'Plugin' class so after each new plugin install, the developer's revisions from the previous developer's version of hacks to '_plugin.class.php' don't have to be added too. If they create their own extended plugin class, we would just have to upload the new file.

Having said that, now I have to formally ask, HOW TO USE THE PLUGIN SYSTEM SO I CAN STOP HACKING SO MANY FILES? :?:

My v.2.4.5 is hacked to the hilt and I'm not finished either. When the time comes to upgrade to v.2.4.6, it would probably be way in the future for me due to the time needed to convert all of the changes I've made.

Again, any suggestions are welcomed.

Thanks in advance.

2 Jan 11, 2009 09:20

inc/plugins/model/_plugins_admin.class.php ( approx 52 ) is your friend, it lists all ( most ) of teh currently available hooks for plugins

	 * Get the list of all events/hooks supported by the plugin framework.
	 * Also puts in additional events provided by plugins.
	 * fp> please provide an example/use case
	 * Additional to the returned event methods (which can be disabled), there are internal
	 * ones which just get called on the plugin (and get not remembered in T_pluginevents), e.g.:
	 *  - AfterInstall
	 *  - BeforeEnable
	 *  - BeforeDisable
	 *  - BeforeInstall
	 *  - BeforeUninstall
	 *  - BeforeUninstallPayload
	 *  - DisplaySkin (called on a skin from {@link GetProvidedSkins()})
	 *  - ExecCronJob
	 *  - GetDefaultSettings
	 *  - GetDefaultUserSettings
	 *  - GetExtraEvents
	 *  - GetHtsrvMethods
	 *  - PluginInit
	 *  - PluginSettingsUpdateAction (Called as action before updating the plugin's settings)
	 *  - PluginSettingsEditAction (Called as action before editing the plugin's settings)
	 *  - PluginSettingsEditDisplayAfter (Called after standard plugin settings are displayed for editing)
	 *  - PluginSettingsValidateSet (Called before setting a plugin's setting in the backoffice)
	 *  - PluginUserSettingsUpdateAction (Called as action before updating the plugin's user settings)
	 *  - PluginUserSettingsEditDisplayAfter (Called after displaying normal user settings)
	 *  - PluginUserSettingsValidateSet (Called before setting a plugin's user setting in the backoffice)
	 *  - PluginVersionChanged (Called when we detect a version change)
	 *  The max length of event names is 40 chars (T_pluginevents.pevt_event).
	 * @todo Finish/Complete descriptions
	 * @return array Name of event (key) => description (value)
	function get_supported_events()
		static $supported_events;

		if( empty( $supported_events ) )
			$supported_events = array(
				'AdminAfterPageFooter' => '',
				'AdminDisplayEditorButton' => '',
				'AdminDisplayToolbar' => 'Display a toolbar on the edit screen(s)',
				'AdminDisplayCommentFormFieldset' => '',
				'AdminDisplayItemFormFieldset' => '',
				'AdminEndHtmlHead' => '',
				'AdminAfterMenuInit' => '',
				'AdminTabAction' => '',
				'AdminTabPayload' => '',
				'AdminToolAction' => '',
				'AdminToolPayload' => '',

				'AdminBeforeItemEditCreate' => 'This gets called before a new item gets created from the backoffice.',
				'AdminBeforeItemEditUpdate' => 'This gets called before an existing item gets updated from the backoffice.',
				'AdminBeforeItemEditDelete' => 'This gets called before an existing item gets deleted from the backoffice.',

				'AdminBeginPayload' => '',

				'CacheObjects' => 'Cache data objects.',
				'CachePageContent' => 'Cache page content.',
				'CacheIsCollectingContent' => 'Gets asked for if we are generating cached content.',

				'AfterCommentDelete' => 'Gets called after a comment has been deleted from the database.',
				'AfterCommentInsert' => 'Gets called after a comment has been inserted into the database.',
				'AfterCommentUpdate' => 'Gets called after a comment has been updated in the database.',

				'AfterItemDelete' => '',
				'PrependItemInsertTransact' => '',
				'AfterItemInsert' => '',
				'PrependItemUpdateTransact' => '',
				'AfterItemUpdate' => '',
				'AppendItemPreviewTransact' => '',

 				'FilterItemContents' => 'Filters the content of a post/item right after input.',
 				'UnfilterItemContents' => 'Unfilters the content of a post/item right before editing.',

 				// fp> rename to "PreRender"
				'RenderItemAsHtml' => 'Renders content when generated as HTML.',
				'RenderItemAsXml' => 'Renders content when generated as XML.',
				'RenderItemAsText' => 'Renders content when generated as plain text.',

				// fp> rename to "DispRender"
				// dh> TODO: those do not get called anymore!
				'DisplayItemAsHtml' => 'Called on an item when it gets displayed as HTML.',
				'DisplayItemAsXml' => 'Called on an item when it gets displayed as XML.',
				'DisplayItemAsText' => 'Called on an item when it gets displayed as text.',

// fp> These is actually RENDERing, right?
// TODO: Rename to "DispRender"
				'FilterCommentAuthor' => 'Filters the comment author.',
				'FilterCommentAuthorUrl' => 'Filters the URL of the comment author.',
				'FilterCommentContent' => 'Filters the content of a comment.',

				'AfterUserDelete' => '',
				'AfterUserInsert' => '',
				'AfterUserUpdate' => '',

// fp> This is actually RENDERing, right?
// TODO: Rename to "DispRender"
				'FilterIpAddress' => 'Called when displaying an IP address.',

				'ItemApplyAsRenderer' => 'Asks the plugin if it wants to apply as a renderer for an item.',
				'ItemCanComment' => 'Asks the plugin if an item can receive comments/feedback.',
				'ItemSendPing' => 'Send a ping to a service about new items.',
				'ItemViewsIncreased' => 'Called when the view counter of an item got increased.',

				'SkinTag' => '',

				'AppendHitLog' => 'Called when a hit gets logged, but before it gets recorded.',

				'DisplayCommentToolbar' => 'Display a toolbar on the public feedback form',
				'DisplayCommentFormButton' => '',
				'DisplayCommentFormFieldset' => '',
				'DisplayMessageFormButton' => '',
				'DisplayMessageFormFieldset' => '',
				'DisplayLoginFormFieldset' => 'Called when displaying the "Login" form.',
				'DisplayRegisterFormFieldset' => 'Called when displaying the "Register" form.',
				'DisplayValidateAccountFormFieldset' => 'Called when displaying the "Validate account" form.',

				'CommentFormSent' => 'Called when a public comment form has been sent and gets received.',
				'BeforeCommentFormInsert' => 'Called before a comment gets recorded through the public comment form.',
				'AfterCommentFormInsert' => 'Called after a comment has been added through public form.',

				'BeforeTrackbackInsert' => 'Gets called before a trackback gets recorded.',
				'AfterTrackbackInsert' => 'Gets called after a trackback has been recorded.',

				'LoginAttempt' => 'Called when a user tries to login.',
				'LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword' => 'A plugin has to return true here, if it needs a raw (un-hashed) password in LoginAttempt.',
				'AlternateAuthentication' => '',
				'MessageFormSent' => 'Called when the "Message to user" form has been submitted.',
				'MessageFormSentCleanup' => 'Called after a email message has been sent through public form.',
				'Logout' => 'Called when a user logs out.',

				'GetSpamKarmaForComment' => 'Asks plugin for the spam karma of a comment/trackback.',

				// Other Plugins can use this:
				'CaptchaValidated' => 'Validate the test from CaptchaPayload to detect humans.',
				'CaptchaValidatedCleanup' => 'Cleanup data used for CaptchaValidated.',
				'CaptchaPayload' => 'Provide a turing test to detect humans.',

				'RegisterFormSent' => 'Called when the "Register" form has been submitted.',
				'ValidateAccountFormSent' => 'Called when the "Validate account" form has been submitted.',
				'AppendUserRegistrTransact' => 'Gets appended to the transaction that creates a new user on registration.',
				'AfterUserRegistration' => 'Gets called after a new user has registered.',

				'SessionLoaded' => '', // gets called after $Session is initialized, quite early.

				'AfterLoginAnonymousUser' => 'Gets called at the end of the login procedure for anonymous visitors.',
				'AfterLoginRegisteredUser' => 'Gets called at the end of the login procedure for registered users.',

				'BeforeBlogDisplay' => 'Gets called before a (part of the blog) gets displayed.',
				'SkinBeginHtmlHead' => 'Gets called at the top of the HTML HEAD section in a skin.',
				'SkinEndHtmlBody' => 'Gets called at the end of the skin\'s HTML BODY section.',
				'DisplayTrackbackAddr' => '',

				'GetCronJobs' => 'Gets a list of implemented cron jobs.',
				'GetProvidedSkins' => 'Get a list of "skins" handled by the plugin.',

				'PluginUserSettingsEditAction' => 'Called as action before editing a user\'s settings.',

You should never hack the core plugin files, they're only ever meant to be extended ( take a look at /plugins/_test_plugin.php && _skeleton_plugin.php for examples )


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