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1 Jan 24, 2009 03:41    

Here's a snippet of code I have in a plugin I'm writing that no one will ever want:

	$Form = & new Form( NULL, 'start_site', 'post', 'compact' );
	$Form->begin_form( 'fform', T_('Add a Flying Site') );

All that form contains is a button so users can begin the process of adding a flying site to a list of flying sites. Anyway one of the pointless little gimmicks I was all proud of didn't work, so I did a view source using FF2. It's a bit long, but this is what I happened to notice:

<div class="fieldset_title"><div class="fieldset_title_right"><div class="fieldset_title_bg" title_attribs><span style="float:right"></span>Add a Flying Site</div></div></div><fieldset>

Now I'll strip it down to the teeny little bug:

<div class="fieldset_title"><div class="fieldset_title_right"><div class="fieldset_title_bg" title_attribs><span ..............

Notice that title_attribs just sittin' there doing nothing? It's a bug right? Or is it something I'm doing wrong in my plugins?

Form is loading...