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1 Jan 25, 2009 13:14    

It drops the stock tables, but it leaves tables created by plugins intact. Seems like a miss because it said it would drop all tables b2evo made (but not other tables), and b2evo made the tables that the plugin told it to make.

ah v2.4.5 still

edit: this is post #5678 for me. Next accidentally cute post will be 6789 ... then nothing is fun until 78910 8|

2 Jan 25, 2009 15:17

6543, 6666 both come earlier ? ;)


3 Jan 25, 2009 17:03

6661 is a prime in the form 5(n^2 − n) + 1
6765 is a Fibonacci number (20)
7039 is a prime in the form (3n^2 + 3n + 2) / 2
7321 is a prime in the form n^2 + (n + 1)^2
8233 is a prime in the form (7n^2 − 7n + 2) / 2

(There's lost more where that came from :p)

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