2 sam2kb Jan 31, 2009 08:09

I tried it. Very good. No problems so far.
Sorry, but I have a rather heavily modified custom skin, and I would like to know exactly what to edit to be able to use "featured" posts. Also, I would like to know just what they are, because I don't know exactly what particularities they have, other than having a special formatting (which is pretty much all I would need: I'm trying to have posts written by invited bloggers "highlighted" in some way).
@ bit
This write up may be of some use to you...
My only probs with the upgrade are in the Admin. It works but isn't "feature rich" and may well be a server or jQuery issue.
Skin wise it was a breeze.
Thanks John! I never noticed that page (my experience with the online manual is that the page I look for never exists, so I had stopped trying). I will check into that solution.
Eh... it doesn't work.
This is what I get when trying to access my blog:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/bit/public_html/blog/skins/custom_3c/index.main.php on line 558
I have a backup, but I'm sad anyway :(
"Unexpected end" usually means a { that doesn't have a } before the end of the file. A way to check this is kinda cumbersome, but it works for me.
Go through your file and make sure each time there is a { you go in one tab from the left. Then each time there is a } have one tab less. As-written, the skins files often have in-tabs for divs, and sometimes just for the heck of it. So line by line by line make sure you only tab IN when you have a new { and one less tab when you have a }.
Oh and also kinda ask yourself if it makes sense to have a new { there, knowing that { and } are for wrapping up php chunks. Like an IF( some condition ) will get a { then some code for whatever it is supposed to do then a } when it is done. While( whatever condition) is a loop of stuff - the posts loop on a multipost page is a good example of that.
And finally since you were modifying an existing working skin it makes sense to focus on the modification :)
Alright! Hum... It seems like there's a problem with the online editor I was using. Now I pasted the code in Dreamweaver, uploaded it, and it worked without a glitch.
You can check my live blog if you want to see "featured" post in action ;)
There is also the "category" post, but I haven't used it yet. It is similar to "featured" post feature. As long as you have the "featured" post codebit, the "category" post will work as well.
Cool! So, er, where do I style them?
div, class:featuredpost
Thanks! It would really be featured_post, however.
If you don't use custom _item_content.inc.php you should be fine ;)
EDIT: if you want to use featured/intro posts or other new features track skin changes in [url=http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/evocms/b2evolution/blogs/skins/evopress/?sortby=date]CVS[/url]