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- Is there a hook for "before" insert/update/delete&
1 edb Feb 05, 2009 05:05

I see that we have, and am going to take advantage of, AfterUserInsert and AfterUserUpdate and AfterUserDelete but that's not good enough. My plugin will be storing content associated with posts. So AfterUserDelete means it is too late. I've lost the actual user ... and don't know what became of their posts because I haven't tested that detail yet.
So is there a hook for BeforeUserDelete? That is the thing I am most focused on because what I would do is change the author of those posts to ID#2 THEN let the natural course of events happen to that user's profile and comments. This way my plugin will not have data associated with a non-existent user even though it is possible that multiple users would be clumped into this "id#2" pile.
Scuse me if this is a no-brainer, but I'm still building and seeing things I'll need to deal with soon is the thing. I'm pretty sure I can make sure no one can delete users but good old ME, so it's not like deletion will happen before I'm ready to handle the post-related plugin content ... but hey there you go.