2 john Feb 13, 2009 11:53

Being a bopit playa, when I bother to update a plugin I'll say in my bopit update what's the deal ... which means you should see what's the deal. You won't see something like a form field emphasizing "OMG SECURITY PEW PEW PEW" but for my updates I'll say something like
updating because I crave traffic
or maybe
this sucked if you had foo so don't sweat updating if you had bar
More to the point: "security" isn't probably maybe a very common reason to update a plugin. Fixing flaws, adding features, becoming compatible with a new version: I think most plugins are updated for these low level issues. So the plugin author who embraces bopit needs to give a clear reason for their update.
OT (where the O means "on"): when you see an update for my creativecommons thing it'll be due to creative commons having new locales on their side. How critical that is depends on you eh? My forumlatest hack-job has a super-important update IF it wasn't working for your situation. So if it was working do you care? The point being it is my job to provide a clear explanation of what the update is about. Each user can then decide for themselves what to do with the info.
OTOH (where O means "on" and T means "the" and O changes stride to mean "other" and H means "hockey puck"): given ¥åßßå's item 3, I should go play in the appropriate space for devs. :)
EDIT: okay never mind. The bopit account and the dev thread account are in different places. Too much for my simple mind :(
Clue : Formica ;)
Either place is cool for feedback, I just thought it'd help if we didn't overload users with code suggestions ;)
Adding a dropdown for basic "update reason" ++ the current information box would be an easy upgrade so the chances are that something like that will happen.
It'd be nice to come up with a method of being able to add non-critical updates for things like "new locales" which didn't actually mark the plugin as OOD ( where O means Out and then goes way Off and gets a Date ). Any changes to a plugins code should automatically mark it as OOD.
To add something that Afwas posted on the other thread, it would be nice if the info/reason box also gave some sort of revision list. This *should* cover the "this fixes bug foo .... if you have bug foo" type of updates.
¥åßßå wrote:
Clue : Formica ;)
Me: hello? (yeah: when the phone rings I don't believe it so I answer with a question)
CF: doh!
Me: okay cool yeah sure thanks for calling.
CF: CLK bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(yeah that's old school. I miss that too. Like, you always knew when she hung up on you back in the day. lord I miss those days. Now I keep burning minutes begging for a "favor" :( )
Integrate with out plugins repository.
Spot the dev that didn't read the dev post ;)
Heya, I don't see a whole lot that needs immediate attention in BOPIT... it's a great tool.
joebeone wrote:
Heya, I don't see a whole lot that needs immediate attention in BOPIT... it's a great tool.
yeah.. indeed.. i recommend you use your time to deal with things at higher priority.. like improving the rss reader for me :P .. really, bopit is cool, all we need to see is whether an update is available or not .. no need for funky stuff - imo ofc
The chances are that there'll be a few minor improvements in the not to distant future ;)
Haven't read the thread yet :p (my younger brother is going to use the PC), but in-case it wasn't mentioned yet, an ability to download the update directly to the server? Unless I missed that feature :p
Ok, BOPIT has now had a smidge of an overhaul.
For users :
You can download the new version via itself, how cool is that?
You won't notice many changes but the tools tab now looks a smidge better and there's the start of translation packs and stuff.
I'm still considering the whole download and install/upgrade, but I'm loathe to code a plugin that requires 0777 on the majority of hosting, so that may be limited to blogs that can run 0600 ;)
For developers :
I've hopefully just made your lives a smidge easier, have a read of this post and let me know ( [url=http://innervisions.org.uk/technical-shit/2009/03/bopit-current-thoughts]BOPIT : Current thoughts[/url] ).
I'm still open to ideas for ways that it can be improved ;)
Thanks for the update..
I notice it doesn't appear and list updated Plugins in the Dashboard anymore, or am I missing something so early in the mornng
John wrote:
Thanks for the update..
I notice it doesn't appear and list updated Plugins in the Dashboard anymore, or am I missing something so early in the mornng
Same here. For me, it only list itself.
I forgot about that bit, resolved and updated ;)
Cheers mate.
I'll bite. ( Not being a "dev".)
I like updates highlighted in my Dashboard...
however.. under the "Reason" table, it would be handy to get a "Critical...Update Now" sort of message, if required, that accompanies/or not, the current short sentence that describes a recent "tweak".
Things are updated for "security", "bug fixes" or "enhancements" purposes and it would be nice to know which one it is for us lazy types.
Bobit rocks and anything that makes it better is cool.