My b2evolution Version: 2.4.6
Hi all!
He who makes all the mistakes for others to avoid is back (daveuk) !!
B2 helpers here had made it quite clear that we should just upload the earlier downloaded files replacing the previous identical files on our server carefully and one by one.
So what did I do wrong? I have a website and am used to using CuteFTP 8 to upload a directory of my files at a time.... and... (here I can see the very experienced users thinking " I know where this is going. ")
Well no, actually I started doing file at a time uploading and then suddenly old habits got the better of me and I picked a directory on my server, deleted it and then uploaded the downloaded DIRECTORY. How wrong, how VERY wrong.. and this is why I did this post.
Suddenly I realised after about 3 directories what I was doing.. but it was too late so I continued to the end and tried to login. Of course it was CHAOS, all sorts of black typed ERROR messages appeared. Once again this guy had SCREWED UP.
Solution, took me just over 1 hour 30 minutes. I had decided beforehand to copy the entire BLOG directory to a hard disk on my computer. So I traced back one by one each relevant directory to find I had of course deleted file after file and directory after directory which should have remained. Finally it all went back together - now how I felt is a definition of the word "relief..."
Hope this will help someone else BEFORE they might do what I did. (and yes I do have a RED FACE !!)
Ha! Laughing with you there okay?
If you want to avoid chaos BACK UP EVERYTHING FIRST! I have no idea how the universe knows if you've got a backup or not, but if you don't something will go wrong. Horribly wrong.
Step two by the way is to stick to the plan. If it is "one by one" then so be it. If it is "upload them all and let the server sort it out" then there you go! Either way, know your path after you backup where you are.
Step three by the way is never trust a couple of simple steps from a random stranger on the internet ;)