2 nelsonguirado Feb 26, 2009 11:01

The apply rendering option should be left to the default - "Never".
Also, you need to add the plug-in to your specific blog as a widget after you install it into b2evo. See the 5 steps outlined in the plugin manual page (link above in 1st post), if you haven't already.
What version of b2evo are you using?
thanks for posting this. I am getting a rendering error on my side bar where the button is suppose to show.
"Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /htdocs/www/blogs/plugins/_sharethiswidget.plugin.php on line 113
Fatal error: Call to a member function dget() on a non-object in /htdocs/www/blogs/plugins/_sharethiswidget.plugin.php on line 118"
I did everything listed in the manual. From here I am kinda stuck. I can follow direction but I am new to this stuff. Aprreciate any help Thanks,
oh and I am using 2.4.0 version.
Will "share this widgetized" put the sharethis widget in the post like the other share this? I thought widgets were just for sidebars, tops, and bottoms.
Hey guys,
Jayincosd - I'll check things out. I believe it's related to a similar error with my other plugin, PostToMyspace, so I should be able to look at it this weekend and get a fix out.
Nelsonguirado - Widgets can go anywhere there is a container. Currently, there is no default container for Posts. But you can create/add one yourself - see: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=14515
Once you do this, then the container will show up in the Widgets control panel page, so you can add any widget to it at that point.
It's a little bit more work than the other Share This plugin, but it buys you the flexibility to place/format it however you like, plus you can put it on every post automatically in one fell swoop.
Hey guys,
I have a new version of the plug-in available for download. It will fix the problems you have been seeing and reporting.
Basically the problem results from adding the widget into a non-Post container (such as the sidebar). I fixed the code so that it doesn't crap out...
Ultimately, however, you should be adding the widget into a new Post container so that the Share This link will link to the actual posting. Otherwise, ShareThis plugin will not know which post you are interested in linking to, and will default to the Blog link/url.
I updated the documentation to make this a little bit clearer, and included some code examples. So please do check that out if you have any doubts or questions.
I tried the ShareThis plugin, however it's not appearing in the widgets lists. I was able to add the container to main.index.php. Any help is appreciated. I am running 2.4.7.
Does this work fully in 3.3.x ?
I've got it to display the Share This button in a sidebar, but I can't get the button to appear in the individual posts.
I´m looking for some solution to change the name "ShareThis" showed in the post. I don´t know what must write and where in the archive _sharethis.plugin.php to show another thing like Share this notice.
This is a part of code, maybe the changes was here but not sure.
$sharethis_url = "http://w.sharethis.com/widget/?tabs=web%2Cpost%2Cemail&charset=utf-8&post_services=" ;
$sharethis_url .= urlencode( $services) ;
$sharethis_url .= '&style=default&publisher=' . $pub ;
if ( ! $this->is_ie_crap() ) {
require_js( $sharethis_url );
return true;
I have read in other forums, i need put in some site, some like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://w.sharethis.com/button/sharethis.js#
Where and how would be the changes??? thanks
This one's not working for me. I disabled the other share this, and enabled this one. It's not showing up in the posts, even though I picked "always." Did I have to do something else?