2 sam2kb Feb 18, 2009 16:40

i'm trying near blogger .com so fix and setup when ready i open web for everybody to create good blog.
Hi, sam2kb i need some help. about plugin.
After install plugin it ok but i need to open menu "URLs" for new user "you can fix it for me?" because i use Subdomain of basedomain and need fix URL of every new users ex:
ex: w ww. 123456.com/media/members/ test/index.php?m=20071231
> test is new user and
/test/index.php?m=20071231 << i need to fix it every new user sign up you can help me? or open tabs URLs for setup >> /test/index.php?m=20071231
I can not use URL : when it has "/" that error.
Await your help. Thank
I need to flix URLs for SEO before user create new blog I can? Please, tell me about code or tactic setting.
managerblue please do not make fake URLs. They simply do not help anyone. Notice how it turns into a link and therefore shortens it and therefore no one can see what you are trying to show?
Leave the "http://www." part off. That will work better. Like this:
http://I_feel_your_pain. :roll:
Oh, sorry with link now i edit new link maybe i new user here. For my problem i can not use url
ex: xxx.com/1/2/3 but can use
ex. xxx.com/test/index.php?m=123
I need to fix url in plugin userblog How? and need to fix Tab URLs in everyuser menu. Thank for help. http: //I_feel_your_pain. <<< sorry
Leave the "http://ww w." <<< sorry
Now I got it :)
You want to disable 'clean URLs' and use params instead, right?
In plugin settings uncheck the "Use extra path URLs" and all new blogs should use parameters in links.
You want to disable 'clean URLs' and use params instead, right? <<< Yes
"Use extra path URLs" <<< a moment i'm testing
I have problem?
When i create user"ex: name: test" when create blog >> ex: xxx.com/media/members/test/index.php >>> i need to fix all new user to >>> test.xxx.com (subdomain) i can?
Now, i finish userblog plugin and can create new user and new blog.
When user signup get
ex: domainname.com/media/members/username/index.php
(i setting all data to media/members folder)
but i need to use
ex: username.domainname.com
(I fix cpanel can use subdomain ready)
Question and Problem
- if use userblog plugin can not to set URLs to subdomain?
(I need auto change url to subdomain when create new blog How?)
ex: A signup with system get (A.domainname.com)
ex: B signup with system get (B.domainname.com)
Please, help me to setup system. Thank you
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?t=15842]User Blog[/url] plugin
Don't know what this means, but it's probably already implemented in User Blog plugin ;)