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1 Feb 27, 2009 16:01    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

So strange..all of a sudden today my third column is not showing up where it should be it is at the bottom of the page. I am using nifty blue three column. It only seems to happen on the main page and I have made zero changes to anything in the last few weeks. Anyone have any ideas?

2 Feb 27, 2009 16:15

If you've *really* done nothing since they used to be there then I'd guess that your host has changed something ;)

A link to your blog with the problem would be helpful ;)


3 Feb 27, 2009 16:21

I guess that would help....LOL. I "really" have not done anything....seriously! Emailed host (he is friend) and nothing has changed. So weird as I had a problem a few weeks ago with the spacing on the titles and it went away by itself. I am hoping the same thing will happen with this. I was just wondering if someone else was experiencing the same problem.

5 Feb 27, 2009 16:29

No not harsh, informational! Never heard of doing that...can you tell I am a newbie? Without sounding like a complete moron could you give me some insight on how to remove all of those?

Is it as simple as clearing cache or something? Is there a setting or

I really appreciate your help! Thanks!

6 Feb 27, 2009 16:37

Urm, it's a smidge more involved that that. You need to find what's causing the error, correct that, move on to the next one.

The good news is that often one error will cause shedloads more, so curing one is like using a tactical nuclear warhead ( my best kill rate is one error cured 240 other errors :D )

An example :
Your first god knows how many errors are caused because you've used <A instead of <a ;)


7 Feb 27, 2009 16:44

OUCH I do that all the time, it always worked so I didn't think it was a big deal...WOW am I in trouble!

8 Feb 27, 2009 16:51

The good news is you're on the wrong tectonic plate to shoot the messenger :D


9 Feb 27, 2009 17:10

Never I just appreciate the help. This does explain a lot as I had a problem with my feeds last week and it was showing a lot of the same errors, I just didn't know what to do about them. Still don't because I have a TON of posts and there is no way I could go back and check the all!

BUT atleast I now know what is causing them thanks to you!

10 Feb 27, 2009 17:28

There is a way to change your old post using sql, but you *really* don't want me to freetype that one :D


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