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1 Mar 01, 2009 21:11    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hello everyone!
First, I am very new to blogging and the such and have total ignorance of the whole subject. Basically, I know how to type... that's it. I have no clue about CSS/HTML or any of those other acronyms. I'm not a total loss, I do pick up on things fairly quickly.

Anyway, my question is this:
(I'm sure it has been asked before, so I apologize for repeating if it has)

Whenever I try certain functions on backoffice (Dashboard, whatever its called) I get an error. For example:

If I go to Dashboard>Blog Settings>Widget to edit the settings for my header. I click the edit icon and get an error message. The error message is this:
It is almost like the browser is not recognizing the address. Or something

Anyone have a clue why this happens? Or am I just a dumb-dumb?

Sorry for writing a book...just trying to give the best description I can.


2 Mar 01, 2009 21:50

Okay that's kinda weird. Hey welcome to the forums. Weird works here. Well, not exactly "works" but yeah it works.

Okay so let's see what's the deal. And let me cut to the chase: got link? Like, a link to your blog? We can do a heck of a lot by poking around. More than by asking ya know?

Where was I? Oh yeah. So you can see your blog and click on sample posts and see them as single-post pages? You can see the evobar on top of your blog and get in to the admin side? The URL then has in it? And you can click on Blog settings and get there? Then you can pick a blog and get there? Then you can click on widgets and get there? BUT when you try to edit a widget (or a container?) it loses the portion from the URL?

That's beyond weird. That's crazy! Crazy is okay too by the way. We do crazy. Specially crazy on new installations.

So please verify that I've understood correctly. The link you put in your post is most unusual, especially given most of the common problems won't let you get as far as you did.

Or did you free-type that link thinking it would help in some way?

3 Mar 02, 2009 00:19

Hi, EdB

Thank you for your reply.

Sorry about leaving out the blog link. It is here:

The answer to your questions is yes.

I can do all of those things, but when I try some functions in the Dashboard I get the error message I mentioned in the first post.

I will try to explain those functions I am talking about.

Whenever I try to install a skin - when I click the "install new" button, I get these same error message.

Whenever I try to edit any widgets or containers - any of the links to the right (Move, Edit, Install New) all show the same error message.

Even when I go to the b2evolution admin login page I get this message at times.

Basically, what I am saying is that by hovering my mouse over these links, I see the /admin.php such and such. It is like the part of the URL is missing.

I am mystified. I have installed and re-installed b2evo a bunch of times and still the same thing.

Yeah, it's crazy. Any help would be great.

Thanks again for your time.

4 Mar 02, 2009 00:36

Okay that's cool! I mean, it's a cool problem is what I mean. It's not cool that it throws away your domain name like it was yesterday's banana peel though. I managed to duplicate your problem after poking around a wee bit. I clicked on "login" and see where the "lost password" link is normal but the "abort login" doesn't have your domain name in it.

So let's try to kill this mutant eh? Start by editing your /conf/_basic_config.php file because I suspect you have two trailing slashes at the end of your $baseurl field. In other words instead of is what I mean. I doubt that will cure the problem though.

You've re-installed this exact installation a bunch of times? I think you did so I'll ask a clarifying question because I suspect you have a monkeyed up file somewhere. Nothing against monkeys mind you! Monkeys are cool. Monkeyed up files ain't. The question: each time you re-installed did you (a) delete all the files from your server and upload them fresh from your computer or (b) delete all the files from your server AND from your computer then get a brand new copy of the package and unzip it then upload the brand new files to your server? I'm hoping (a) is closer to what you've done because (b) should cure almost any ghost in the machine. The thing is IF you have a corrupted file there is no telling when and where the corruption is. Actually you could find it but it'll take more time to find it than it would be to totally shotgun the problem.

Oh and you actually don't need to do ALL the files. If you get a brand new copy of the package and unzip it, then delete from your server the /inc/ folder then upload the brand new /inc/ folder you just unzipped that ought to do the trick.

So there's a good step that's easy but probably not the answer, and shotgun step that's hard and might be the solution. Let's see how it goes from there yah?

5 Mar 02, 2009 01:26


You are the man! I really appreciate your help.

You were dead on about the two slashes in the $baseurl field. I went in and removed the extra slash and Wham! Everything works like a charm. When I first read your replied, I was nervous as a cow in a leather shop.

Like I mentioned, I am very "this stuff" ignorant (I was once told HTML stood for 'How To Make Love' and up until two weeks ago thought that was true).

But I went onto my ftp client, found the file, opened it and immediately saw the double slashes.

To make a short story wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.

One more question. How the heck do you learn this stuff? :)

Once again, thank you for your time. I am sure this isn't the last time you'll see me in here struggling for help.

Have a good one!

6 Mar 02, 2009 01:48

How do you learn this stuff? Ask questions, and proceed with a bit of trepidation ;)

Okay cool. I'm kinda surprised the double slash was responsible for dropping off your domain name like that. That's one to store away for the next person with that set of symptoms.

By the way, HTML actually stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language" and some argue if it really is a language or not. Whatever - it's what HTML is.

Wanna know what the HTTP in almost every URL out there stands for? Hop To The Page :)

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