2 combatwombat Mar 22, 2009 03:35

Stupidest name for a plugin ever :roll: But hey the alternative was YAAP because [url=http://wonderwinds.com/hackblog.php/2009/03/14/killer-bees-a-plugin]this is yet another avatar plugin[/url]. That's right: *another* avatar plugin.
Basically I tried AM Deluxe Profiles and it didn't really suit my needs, so I hacked out most of it then threw in a few nifty settings. What I ended up with is: bloggers get an avatar and/or a signature block. The admin decides if avatars are allowed, and if signature blocks are allowed. The admin also decides if the avatar will go on top of the post or the bottom, on the left or the right. If it goes on top then it shows up in the first paragraph with text flowing around it. If it goes on bottom then it shows up in the signature block ... assuming there is a signature block. I think bottom left with a sig-block is cool.
Oh and for avatars to work the admin has to enable User Directories on the "Global settings -> Files" subtab.
And for those into commemorating historic moments, this is my first plugin that has an actual picture in the blog post. A picture of a killer bee killer killing killer bees. Killing *my* killer bees 8|
EdB: I just want to thank you for the colour you add to these forums. It is always entertaining to read your posts!