2 john Mar 15, 2009 09:29

Thanks John.
The "grey on grey" you're talking about is the categories and links to comments at the bottom of each post?
Nb. I havent tested this in firefox yet which always brings up problems. Is next job. Was originally Pixel Green Skin.
Update: Ok, that was tempting fate. It is shot to hell in Firefox >:-< . Please ignore this post for the moment 8| .
When will I ever learn.
John, I suspect you might be using Firefox....which should now be viewing as intended. Yes, its going to be one hell of a diary :).
Oh, that is easier on the eye.
FF3 OSX :)
Yeah, one hell of a diary!
And I like how you customized your comment text-field. Did you use JS or CSS3?
Excellent and fresh design. ^_^
Thank you Laibcoms! :)
Comment text field is just a background image set in the css. An experiment I was a bit chuffed with B) .
John, you're on Mac? I have no idea how it looks to you then :). Yes, I must get one of those.
GigaBob wrote:
Thank you Laibcoms! :)
Comment text field is just a background image set in the css. An experiment I was a bit chuffed with B) .
John, you're on Mac? I have no idea how it looks to you then :). Yes, I must get one of those.
Ahh, I wasn't aware it is already possible with CSS2 hehe. CSS is really amazing.
Most full-time developers always use Mac, I don't know why hehe. I see Mac as a powerful machine for gfx, while PC for coding. I'm definitely missing something :p (Anyways, that's off-topic.)
Im sure Mac is wonderful (and will discover just how one day) but those damn pages and icons wizzing all over the screen will / do drive me batty.
GigaBob wrote:
Im sure Mac is wonderful (and will discover just how one day) but those damn pages and icons wizzing all over the screen will / do drive me batty.
Hehe, true. But you'll get used to it. I'm using a similar feature for Ubuntu ;) You won't go back to MS-Win after that.
wow, that's one hell of an idea
Im looking forward to it :)
I have a Win Box, had it for years, but since getting a Mac I have found no reason to switch it on at all other than to check sites against some ratty versions of a very ratty browser ( which will remain nameless )
Oh, the kid pops the Win bonnet sometimes for games..... :)
Wow, thats one hell of a diary :)
Looks good however I find small light grey text on a light greyish background a tad difficult to read.
Thats just me and my eye's though.