2 gigabob Mar 16, 2009 12:20

Thanks ^_^
It's hard to write "tip" type articles related to leadership, management, topics. Have to double-check one's own experience! Hehe, if only we have an access to some "real-life" "live history" so we don't mix-up our methods and lessons learned - or maybe, if we can only write everything that we do everyday. Hehe.
Cool that you like it :D
evoCamp is beautiful and professional looking. It has also become the "unofficial-official" skin of b2evo - at least, what I notice was evoCamp is always the first skin to get updated to the latest iteration of b2evo's skinning. Then next is evoPress :p
Good luck with it :)
I like your Top 10 for Leaders article. Ive had my share of fun with evoCamp skin in the past :).