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1 Mar 19, 2009 17:07    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have searched all over Google, these forums, the documentation and I am just stuck. It seems to be a no brainer question tho so I am confused as to why I am the only one having problems.

If you go to - you get something that says
"index of / "

and then list every single file that is in my directory including all my .php files.

How do I set it up so if you go to you get my blog?

In order to view my blog currently you have to go to ...

My _basic_config.php file shows the following line...

@global string $baseurl
$baseurl = '';

Can someone please, please with a cherry on top help me?

2 Mar 19, 2009 17:23

Charm wrote:

... If you go to - you get something that says ...

Actually that's not true because you didn't put YOUR website in there. It's a pet peeve of mine is the thing. WHY would someone say "if you go to" then put in a fake URL? That makes absolutely no sense!

Okay this is an easy problem to resolve. First things first though: welcome to the forums Charm!

Where was I? Oh yeah: the internet. So there's this list of official pages to look for if the requested URL doesn't have a specific page. Like for example doesn't have a page, so my server has to figure out what you want. It does that by seeing if I have any of the official list of pages in order until it finds one.

Your server isn't looking for index.php which is weird because I thought that was on the official list of pages to hook up with. index.html then index.htm then maybe default.html then maybe default.htm then ... I dunno ... there's like a list of 'em. Anyway you want now to know how to tell your server "you stupid server! give them index.php when they don't have a file in the requested URL!" though you might not call your server stupid ... to it's face anyway.

Dig on the file that is part of your package called "sample.htaccess". It contains some groovy bits to make your server do stuff. ONE of the bits looks like this:

# this will select the default blog template to be displayed
# if the URL is just .../blogs/
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
	DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

You want that bit in your .htaccess file if you already have one, so first find yours (it may be a hidden file) then ensure that yours has a bit just like the block there. Alternatively you can rename sample.htaccess as .htaccess and hope you didn't actually have one of those files. You probably do though, so find it before you accidentally destroy it.

Hosts use that file for things that you might be doing via your cpanel. Stuff like blocking an IP address or denying hotlinking for example. Anyway yeah all you gotta do is tell your server, via that little bit of code in your .htaccess file, that it will serve up index.php before all others. Then life will be groovy like a record.

And yeah you want it to go to index.php and let b2evolution's index.php file figure out if you really want that page or a stub file or what.

3 Mar 19, 2009 18:15

Did I mention I love you!

Thank you my friend! Thank you!

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