2 tilqicom Mar 20, 2009 18:25

Slap the dithering old fools [url=http://wonderwinds.com/hackblog.php/2009/02/20/turingtest-v246]bobo box[/url] on your registration form and make spammers suffer from lack of decent grass :D
Hey that'd be "dithering old fool's" indicating possession vs "dithering old fools" implying there's more that one of me !
As to mass deletion of users: not that I've noticed. If you're still using FF2 then (a) good for you and (b) get the snap links addon and you can open a bunch of delete user links in new tabs, then one by one approve of the delete and close the tab. It'll save you *some* time.
Alternatively, do a backup of your database then delete one user then do another backup. Now use winmerge to compare the two backups. That will show you all the bits that need to be changed to perform the actions directly to the database.
Slap the dithering old fools bobo box on your registration form and make spammers suffer from lack of decent grass
what this mean..............
PLz explain in detail............
I need to delete almost 400 users , its a tough thing.............
even thers no option to delete a complete user group.....
B2evo should have such option..................... at least in future
The link ¥åßßå provided will stop any more spam registrations. That fixes the problem going forward, but leaves you with the 400 you allowed in so far.
There is no easy method to delete users in groups, and there is no need for one. You control who you let in, so (sorry but) it was your mistake to allow 400 spammers to register before identifying the problem and beginning to doing something.
Delete them one by one, or learn what it takes in the database to delete them via phpmyadmin. Sorry, but those are your only choices.
i want those damn checkboxes for mass deleting , mass editing in BO in 3.x stable |: would you mind keeping this topic in mind and moving it to feature requests
I'd just jump into the database and drump it from there
These "one offs" are to much trouble to deploy special solutions (unless it comes pre-packaged in the software)
2.x doesnt have the feature.... so Database time
Do I understand, that francois and some others profesionals
want to educate us beginners with the punishment task of manually deleteing all our spam users
that have tricked us, correct?
Maybe it would be enough punishment for me
If I go in PHP Mydadmin and delete in evo_users the users there or does that destroy
the integrity of my database?
Should I just leave all Spam users in my B2evo and ignore the problem until I find out how to mass delete spammer users?
Will a cleanup delete references in the database to user accounts that do not exist any more?
Hi @ingeniero,
As you mentioned, deleting the users directly from database may lead to integrity issues.
Check this implementation: https://github.com/mgsolipa/b2evolution/commit/c6061eef7200dabe301a73a8bceb642d2a01abb2
It adds a button to the users list and let you delete the currently selected subset. The idea is to filter the list until you get all the users you want to delete (i.e: users from Spammers/Restricted Users group).
Please, be careful and make a backup of your database before to use this feature. Remember this is just a work-around and many more tests may be done.
you can delete mass users via your phpmyadmin or whatever panel you use..
but i insist b2 should have checkboxes on interface for mass deletion/modification of posts/comments/users etc