2 edb Apr 24, 2009 23:03

Did you know you can find all the groovy settings you can do by cracking open /inc/plugins/_plugin.class.php and scrolling down to where it's all one big comment block? I did, but I lose track of it and forget stuff. So I had me the same thing as a little file on my desktop. Which I deleted or moved one day, which left me back at square one - find and open the file, scroll, read between the lines. So I turned it into a webpage and uploaded it to my server.
* I thought about putting it in the wikimanual but don't really know where it would go. If anyone is interested in doing that then yeah that'd be cool. Meanwhile, I know where to go when I can't recall that if I want the user to enter a whole number I need to make my 'type' be 'integer' ... or that I could have been using "array( 'layout' => 'separator' )" ... or lots of other stuff I end up searching through existing plugins to find an example of.
EDIT: http://wonderwinds.com/plugin_hooks_list.html is the hooks list in a plain-jane v246 installation.
Okay one more :) http://wonderwinds.com/plugin_readme_writer.txt will, if you save it as whatever_you_like.html and run it locally or on your server, write a rather nice README.html file that plays well with [url=http://b2evo.astonishme.co.uk/bopit]BOPIT[/url]. And what could possibly be more important than a README file that plays well with BOPIT :)
That, by the way, is really only going to be of any real use for the casual plugin author. Someone who came up with something and sort of knows they should have a readme but doesn't feel like figuring out how to make a nice one. For those out there who write a lot of plugins, and especially those who tend to update their plugins, you'll be better off waiting for the most awesome plugin ever to plugin to a plugin.
That's right folks: I'm writing a plugin that writes readmes for plugins. It's first test is to write it's own readme. If it can do that then it can do yours. And it will remember all the bits you put in your plugin. And you'll be able to edit them. And you'll be able to update (meaning easily add a new release number) them. And you'll be able to tell it to write your readme. Neato eh?
Anyway I was looking at posts here with no replies and saw a few of mine. This one reminded me I wanted to give away the readme_writer but didn't want to open my server up to mischievous imps who might see obvious holes in my javascripting skilz, so I posted it as a .txt file.