2 graham Jul 15, 2004 23:48
:lol: Graham wrote:
This is a client side issue (...) This is a css issue.
yeah dude! :lol: b2evolution has nothing to do with this...css, what's that? :lol: dude, thanks for nothing... :lol:
mood: sarcastic
Lighten up, dude.
you clearly know how to modify your CSS. You just don't know how to use it to center the main block.
Check out the links that Graham gave you. If that doesn't help, [url=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q=center+align+css&btnG=Search]SFTW[/url]
Thanks for the nod, Graham :) Yes, this belongs in the forum for client-side stuff. (Note the sub-title on Client-side Stuff, and the fact that it says "css".)
thanks, dude...
isn't it easier to post the code? it should be just a line or so...(if you know it, of course...)
I'm so dumb...
It's fixed now... thanks to 5 minutes of thinking...
If the 'table' is now 70%, the rest is 30%...
30 divided by 2 is 15
body {
width: 70%
margin-right: 15%; margin-left: 15%;
dumb ass...
it may cause some errors displaying in some browsers, but mine is fine, that's the important thing...
I didn't post the code, because there are at least 3 ways that you can center something in CSS. Seriously, check out the links that I gave you, and you'll learn a lot about how to do it, and make it work even in MSIE.
Also, I (and the w3c) wouldn't recommend using a table for layout. That's what DIVs are for.
And I didn't post the code, since you never learn anything if you don't look first. It might be better to make things add up to 99% because IE gets stroppy about things like that, it adds padding in all sorts of silly places (I know about IE's crap handling of css, I was having problems with it the other night...)/
Yeah, you sure were...
Freakin IE....
Hey, but I got there by myself...
Thanks for helping me in understanting that but I really know the basics but I got a blank on this particularly...
I know the best way is to learn by ourselves, that's what I've been doing for the last 12 years since I got my first pc... Yet, no one ever knows it all...
I just needed help on this little thing...
Have you check how it is now? Tell me what it looks like... Can you tell me if I did it well, at least?
It looks very nice. I really like the look of it. Very clean, easy to follow, easy to read. Good job.
I noticed this, though, probably just a typo or something in your _main.php:
<div class="bPosts">
<!-- =================================== START OF MAIN AREA =================================== -->
Where's that empty H2 coming from?
thanks, isaac. I'm glad someone liked it...
from _main.php:
<div class="bPosts">
Hm. Looks like those functions don't have a before and after argument, just a prefix. I was thinking you could do something like single_cat_title('<h2>','</h2>'), but that won't work. There's probably some way to get rid of the empty element without changing the functions, but it's probably not worth it.
isaac: those functions are working...try to click a category...that code will tell which category is being showed...
check it: http://www.keoshi.com/blog/index.php?cat=16
in this case: 'Category: blah'
I guess that's no problem...
reply me back, please.
Thanks, dude
Look at my skins, they do the same. I guess I should add this to the todo list at some point.
yep, but it works so what's the problem? :-/ O_?
There isn't one really, but it's just like having invalid code - it may work in most cases, but it could cause and issue in some odd browser - and it is extra characters that don't need to be downloaded, so it will shave off some of the page's loading time.
Yeah, it's really a non-issue, but it's an empty tag. Nothing particularly wrong with it, really. Graham, I don't think that it'd even cause a problem in any browser - empty tags are perfectly valid HTML, and have been forever. In fact, it'll put the spacing there.
It would be best, I think, to put something there when it's not any kind of "single_X_title" situation. Maybe a "not_single_title" function?
Keoshi, nice site. Looks great. Don't worry about anything, we're just geeking out a little :)
I think it would be better to not have anything there at all - I would rather not have the empty space there, personally.
isaac wrote:
Keoshi, nice site. Looks great. Don't worry about anything, we're just geeking out a little :)
Thanks a lot, dude! :D
About the 'geeking' part... I do geek a lot sometimes, it's cool ;)
This is a client side issue (for Isaac, who will probably want to move it).
And, here's Isaac to the rescue: http://isaacschlueter.com/category/design
There's lots of sites there that will help you. This is a css issue.
If you still can't find what you need, come back here and someone will help you...