2 isaac Jul 15, 2004 19:24
Thanks Isaac, that does help explain it. I guess I should have talked to Google first, but I didn't seem to ask the right questions.
If I want my site to validate as strict, can I uncomment the lines in the conf/_formatting.php, comment the lines marked transitional and then work from there? I guess I'm asking, if the commented strict lines work. :)
I've found that it depends much more on what skin you're using. Most of the skins are transitional.
Yeah, if you can make your skin strict, then everything will be.
Sorry tim, I just realized I didn't answer your question.
Yes, you're doing it right.
Also make sure that the doctype in your _main.php of your skin file is set to strict, and that the page validates. (All or most of the html stuff is in the skin files, so those probably need to be tweaked to make them work, since most of the examples that you'll see are in transitional. But really, there isn't much difference, AFAIK, except that you can't use the "style" attrib in strict.)
Cool, thanks for your help guys. I have been working my template and finally got it to validate transitional and I was thinking about making it strict just for fun, but maybe I'll let that wait a little while. :D
[url=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q=choosing+a+doctype&btnG=Search]How about asking Google?[/url]
[url=http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-q=doctype&sp-a=sp1002d27b&sp-f=ISO-8859-1&sp-p=All&sp-k=All]You could also ask ALA.[/url]