My b2evolution Version: 2.x
b2evo: 2.4.6
Hello, i renamed a category from my blog from "cat19" to "documments"
As soon as i renamed it, i noticed that i wasnt able to access my old url so i just renamed back do cat19
But now if i try to access it i recieve a 404 error. the weird thing is that subcategories still works
Any ideas?
A place to actually see this would maybe be helpful. Like, isn't your domain right? I'm suspecting you changed more than the category name. I'm thinking you changed the ... cat URL title (or something like that) but don't really know. Can't say I've seen this issue though, so seeing it will be helpful.
* I always wonder why people take the time to type fake links when copy/pasting is quicker and allows someone to see the actual problem?