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1 Apr 02, 2009 03:54    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Tracked down on here where it looks to be sending both the addy and name in the message_send.php.. but emails that I receive from the Contact link only show the subject and message.


// Send mail 
$success_mail = send_mail( $recipient_address, $subject, $message, "$sender_name <$sender_address>" );


2 Apr 04, 2009 22:07


Hi bjwebb311. Welcome to the forums! I can't duplicate this problem. I have a couple of installations on multiple servers, and I always get the sender's info when I get something from the message form. Typically I see it in the "From" field in the email, and can then reply directly to the person.

So maybe things like your php version would be helpful? Dunno if it matters or not - just that this isn't something I can help with by fixing it on my own installations.

3 Apr 04, 2009 22:55

php version - 4.3.10, hosted on

The from field in the email is "myusername" and is resoved to "" as the name.

Thanks for the help.

4 Apr 05, 2009 01:03

How about a link to your web? Because this sounds very odd. Might be the php version - if so I have no idea why, but it might be.

Or let's clarify a bunch of details. Are you logged in when you are sending a message, or logged out? In either case are you sending a message to a logged in person or a random commenter? When you say the "from field in the email is {{email address}} which resolves to "" what exactly do you mean? Because when I get an email via the message form the From field shows the name the person put in and I have to do a mouse-over to see the email address. I can reply and the reply message will show "name <email address>" in the new To field. So what's the situation you're up against? Messages from random visitors, or logged in people? To random commenters, or logged in people? Also are you accessing the message form via an email icon next to a commenters name, a blogger's name in a post, or a text link for contacting the admin?

Actually, even then I'm not sure I know much about this issue. I got this feeling it'll resolve to something your host is doing to limit stuff. Like some sort of security, except for the emails are actually getting through - just not the way they should. So that's not gonna be the host...

Hey here's an idea: what if you have a crapped up file somewhere? Usually when that happens you get really weird symptoms ... like you have. So maybe you should download a new copy of the version you're using, unzip it on your computer, DELETE from your server the /htsrv/ and /inc/ folders, then upload the copies you just unzipped. Then see if the problem persists.

Shotgunning the problem, but much MUCH quicker than trying to troubleshoot to a file that isn't doing the right stuff eh?

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