2 slamp Apr 04, 2009 20:36

A really paranoid person would add the check to htsrv/message_send.php as well ;)
* Includes
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php';
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
if( !is_logged_in() )
die 'spammer'; // if only it was that easy huh?
Yeah that's good! In my case the malicious individual was stupid enough to use the internet to harass a biker lawyer, meaning harassment is likely to lead to either getting beat up or sued, so I didn't give it much thought re directly calling the message form. Plus that installation uses turingtest so I had to deal with an actual stupid human ;)
If darwin was alive he'd probably write a book about them ;)
thanks for the tip