A very quick n dirty plugin that simply puts Faruk Ateş "Digg Bar Killer, not Blocker" script into the head of your blog.
Read about the script, the stupid Digg bar and related links here...
In the Update:1 section of his post, Faruk provides a working example of the script.
The only benefit of this plugin is that you don't have to edit your _html_header.inc.php file to join the Kill the Digg Bar mob :)
You can download the zipped php file [url=http://wow-factor.com/misc/_digg_killer.plugin.php.zip]here[/url]
Reliant on javascript means I see the sample page in digg's domain. Meaning it doesn't work as one would hope. The daring fireball method at http://daringfireball.net/2009/04/how_to_block_the_diggbar will always work, but doesn't get you out of the page. It just leaves a nasty message instead of the dugg page in the frame.
Nice work making it a plugin though. Will work for most web surfers cuz most are using IE and probably most of the rest have javascript enabled anyway.