2 john Apr 13, 2009 08:06

Agreed. It's how it says "last blog post" that got me going the wrong way. Plus now I think I have a plugin name: "Time Machine" even though I already have a plugin that begins with T. The thing is I have 4 that begin with C ... and anything to do with comments sorta begins with C ... and I got this idea that I can plugin my way through the alphabet if I get a little creative.
hmmm... Maybe "Snapshot" but that's dumber than "Killer Bees" was :roll:
Checks list ... cross references alphabet ... YAY! "P" is most assuredly not on my list and fills a gap between "M" and "Q". So Post Snap it is. Or rather will be when I re-write the darned thing.
I'm thinking the other might be particularly neat for a b2evo blog with multiple users. Like "latest by each author who wrote anything", but it'd be much easier to directly query the database than to use feeds for that info.
Oh well. I had the pleasure of tinkering inside one of ¥åßßå's creations and learning some stuff about SimplePie in the process. So it's all good.
"Post Snap" :)
"p" & "s" knocked off in one plugin... way to go
I'm looking forward to the one you name "x"
Nah I'm going by first letters, although using the first of each would make it a wee bit easier cuz that would cover L B and Y.
X? hmmm... And still be family-friendly? hmmm... And won't be blocked by spam-bots? hmmm... And won't be promoting a microsloth product? hmmm... And isn't the name of a company that makes copying machines? hmmm... I dunno. I'll probably have to subscribe to a few feeds and see if there isn't some sort of standard family-friendly non-drug non-MS non-trademarked word that begins with X ;)
I actually like the "time machine" aspect of TheBloggess and the "static" links to commenters latest post.
It's a snapshot of what everyone was doing etc at that time.