1 spadre2 May 31, 2009 21:24
3 spadre2 May 31, 2009 22:51
I just get a blank screen. I expected to see a request for the name of my database, login and password. I just get a white screen.
4 slamp Jun 01, 2009 09:49
May be you don't have engouh ram for php.
Could you increase memory limit ?
5 spadre2 Jun 02, 2009 04:58
I finally went back and redid the entire process (decided to go with the 3x beta version since I was doing it again). This time I read the instructions more carefully. The first time I had uploaded the /blogs directory including all its contents. When I realized the instructions said to upload the files from the directory I did that rather than uploading the directory itself. I then figured out how to change the permissions using Filezilla FTP. Once I redid it correctly the install program worked.
What does "nothing happens" mean? Could you be more specific?