2 yabba Jun 06, 2009 16:33

You got a 404 ?
Damn, I was hoping it was just my browser / computer / something noone else would experiance. Refreshing gets there in the end :-/ .
I'll instead blame his host? What else? Cant be B2 because it has done the same with 2 different versions. Will have to fix it.
I've considered that except it has done it from the beginning, before and after .htaccess was uploaded. But, yes, i'll have a look. Has driven me n-a-n-a-s.
Might be worth creating one with :
# this will select the default blog template to be displayed
# if the URL is just .../blogs/
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
It already has that. Problem isnt just when trying to go to base URL, happens constantly regardless of where you're going of what you're doing.
The base URL is especially temperamental though.
I'd need shedloads of user/pass details off you to have a remote chance of sorting that out
and time ... I'd need time, although the weather's currently in your favour ;)
Wondeful :D
Happy to provide whatever you need.
Can PM them to you?
For the record...I really dont think it's a "blog thing" because the .html site attached ( http://www.statim.co.nz/copywriting.html ) has been similiarly inclined. The latter really has no excuses.
Feel free to PM them, no promises though ;)
I don't think it's a "blog" thing either .... mind you, I'm not the worlds most accoladed thinker :roll:
The chances are that your blank page is cured ;)
8| :) :p
What strings did you pull?
I corrected your non-www redirect in htaccess and increased the memory limit in b2evo ( conf/_advanced.php )
Well, thank you very much!
Nice work.
Thank you :)
My latest effort, not starting a new topic for it because it isnt deserving but...
B2evo 3.2x as a website - http://www.sunflowersheds.co.nz/index.php
No hint of "blog" anywhere. Small and bright!
The requested colour scheme has done my head in on this, and I don't know what sunflowers have to do with sheds but there you go. Im also struggling for ideas on how to make the side bar more interesting so eagerly awaiting bolt of lightening on that one.
I used b2evo for this wanting a site the owners could primarily manage on their own.
Love the header and background.
Re the sidebar...
try editing
#sidebar ul.sidemenu li
and add background:#f28000; plus play with the right margin a bit.
Quick way to give it a lift.
Thanks :)
You mean right margin on the sidebar?
The sidebar background is currently one bg image on top of another.
Will see what I can do.
Nb. there is a slight difference in the background colour of the "posts" between IE and Firefox. Looks better in IE.
#sidebar ul.sidemenu li {
margin: 20px 0px 0px 20px;
border: 0px;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: bold;
#sidebar ul.sidemenu li {
margin: 20px 20px 0px 20px;
border: 0px;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: bold;
Oh, you mean just the lists! Yes, thats what you said :oops:
A blank page is certainly nutty and creative :D