2 john Jun 10, 2009 10:48

John wrote:
your link above is simply showing "Sorry, there is nothing to display..." as is http://www.pinkribbonsforjen.com/index.php/jen/All other sections seem ok and deliver content
John, yes, but that's just the blog content. That's the easy part. Was more looking for feedback to the site setup and the static pages up top, etc., not necessarily the blog content.
While I dont have anything to offer by way of "suggestions" I must say, good on you. You obviously have huge support which is awesome. Good luck with everything, my heart goes out. Your guestbook is a great idea.
your link above is simply showing "Sorry, there is nothing to display..." as is http://www.pinkribbonsforjen.com/index.php/jen/
All other sections seem ok and deliver content