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1 Jun 06, 2009 21:23    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

The post shows the teaser fine, but when I click on "Read More" I get a 404 error instead of the rest of the post. I did not put in a "Link to url".

Any ideas?

The post, typed as follows (tried both w/ and w/o the !NT):

This is just a test.

Just trying to see how it all works.


Sorry for the format going so wide. Could that be part of my problem? Do I need to control how the post is formatted with respect to the width of each post? Shouldn't that be automatically determined based on my style sheet specs for font size and pixel width of the section?

Removed your huge line of tests ;)

2 Jun 07, 2009 02:52

OK, I don't know how, but I got it fixed. Just deleted the post and reposted 2-3 times and now it works...?

3 Jun 10, 2009 12:34

Initially the problem (seems to work but the "readmore" or "permalink" doesn't) sounds like the problem some people have when their server can't make 'clean URLs', but since the problem is resolved we can move away like it never happened eh?

On the formatting thing, you won't need to do much formatting for blog or forum posting, but how it appears is, especially in this case, dependent on the browser and the style sheet. Instead of seeing the word "Text" repeated many times see it as a sequence of characters without a space. The browser will try to put the right number of words in the available space, but it only knows "words are separated by spaces". So it has to put all those Texts on one line. I'm pretty sure style could hide the rest, but not force it to decide where to do the line break.

Anyway the problem is resolved so life is good :)

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