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1 Jun 12, 2009 04:28    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hey :)

I'm a complete b2noob (coming from wordpress) and I'm hoping someone can tell me if this is possible.

I've got a domain, we'll call it On it I'd like to have 3 blogs, each as it's own subdomain:

That I can do. What I'd also like to do is if you go to it will show all 3 blogs as one blog with all entries interleaved by date. Is this possible? If so, can someone direct me?

Thanks very much :D


2 Jun 12, 2009 05:26

Hi kane. Welcome to the forums :)

You managed to hit a pet peeve of mine so I have to climb on my soap box and rant into the wilderness for a bit. becomes clickable obviously, but it goes nowhere. Or maybe that one does? Untested so I dunno. Anyway leaving off the www makes it not clickable. Links that lead nowhere are almost as annoying as the very rare person who says "I won't link my website but as you can see in this problem ... ".

Okay back on track. I've never done subdomains so I should tinker with it just to see how it happens. What I have seen is ¥åßßå answer questions about subdomains quite a few times, so I found some good ones. is probably really good cuz he didn't write a lot of words. is also probably good even though there are a lot of words. Other forum posts mention how it helped them get 'er done is the thing.

Oh and by the way getting all of the bits from and and into will be easy. What you would do is have 4 blogs, with one of them being at the root level. On that blog's "Blog settings -> Advanced" subtab you would tell it to aggregate posts from the other blogs into this one. Now all the posts in the others show up in the aggregator blog and (of course) are permalinked in their appropriate subdomained blog.

Hope it helps!

3 Jun 12, 2009 14:03

Thanks Ed, blog aggregation worked like a charm


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