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1 Jun 20, 2009 18:15    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Recently I did a self-install of 2.4.5 from cPanel. Played around with the setting and some customization of skin/evocamp (love it by-the-way).
Now, I'm ready to do a direct upgrade, from your site, but have the following concern:

A. On your page:
- it states to delete all existing files
- then upload all new b2evol files from the /blogs folder

Q.1) Are the HTML files in the b2evolution folder (b2evolution/blogs/doc/gettext) not uploaded to server?

Q.2) If not, then what will happen if I delete ALL existing files, including the HTML files in the root folder and not replace with new upgraded HTML file?

HOWEVER, on your page, under section, "Regular upgrade";
- it states, "to download the distribution ZIP file (which I'll assume is the same upgrade zip file), unzip (I'll assume to local drive then upload to server), then double-click on the index.html for quick upgrade instructions

Are the above two instructions for upgrading to 2.4.7 the SAME?
They appear to be different, as one doesn't instruct you to delete existing files.

If you can make clear point Q.1) above I would be highly appreciative.

Thank you,
Virtual Assistant in North Carolina

2 Jun 20, 2009 19:59

********THIS POST IS CANCELLED*********

Solution: All files in the root directory of b2evolution was deleted. None of the HTML in the root upgrade folder was installed, only the blogs/ folders/files.

Site upgraded successfully.

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