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1 Jun 22, 2009 02:03    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Why do blogs suddenly disappear (sounds like a song....). There's no rhyme nor reason; I'll post and then a couple of days's gone. If you go to my blog site - it's hit and miss as to when I click on a link to one of my blogs where I'll get that dreaded message, "sorry there's nothing to view"! It's been going on almost since I started up my website a year it's getting frustrating :-) help :roll: :roll: :roll:

2 Jun 22, 2009 03:37

May be a memory issue...
in the admin section click on tools, then sytem..
What's the php memory-limit number?
You can up it as follows....
Check the folder conf and the file advanced.php...

// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
// ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' );

3 Jun 23, 2009 00:47

John wrote:

May be a memory issue...
in the admin section click on tools, then sytem..
What's the php memory-limit number?
You can up it as follows....
Check the folder conf and the file advanced.php...

// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
// ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' );

4 Jun 23, 2009 00:48

shammah wrote:

John wrote:

May be a memory issue...
in the admin section click on tools, then sytem..
What's the php memory-limit number?
You can up it as follows....
Check the folder conf and the file advanced.php...

// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
// ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' );

I went into admin and found:

PHP upload_max_filesize
PHP post_max_size
post_max_size should be larger than upload_max_filesize
PHP memory_limit

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