2 john Jun 22, 2009 06:41

Im struggling a little with the light on dark too but, somehow it fits the mood of your current posts. It felt right to me once I started reading.
Nice blog. Hope your Girls are "back before you know it".
anyone can tell me about php ?
i want to learn it actually i am on a start.
and i have no idea how it works and please help me....
Spam Link Removed
I've only left this one post, for the sheer pleasure of voting you down. Piss off spammer!
I agree. Looks good. It may well be my tired eyes but I struggle a bit with light blue text on a black background.
Looks good. It may well be my tired eyes but I struggle a bit with light blue text on a black background.
Re Google Ads, just remember that they only allow 3 separate ads on any one page.