2 lturner Jun 23, 2009 17:51

Or another likely destination /skins_adm/_adminUI_general.class.php ;)
Tad easier to point to files knowing what the "3 things" are, and what page they're on ;)
This took care of everything but the Profile link at the top.
Because this site is for very old people the more links we remove the better off. I hate to have them accidentally link on something that will confuse them and then not know how to get back.
Cassie Designs
in the file I pointed to, approx 1586
{ // Only perm to view his own profile:
$this->add_menu_entries( NULL, array(
'users' => array(
'text' => T_('My profile'),
'title' => T_('User profile'),
'href' => 'admin.php?ctrl=users',
) );
Hi, I think you will be able to remove some of those items with user/group settings so it might be worth checking those first.
The rest of it is in: