2 john Jun 26, 2009 14:31

or if the contact form does not fit your needs, you can create a basic submission page, there are hundreds of tutorials and softwares that helps you make it
Brilliant! Just what I needed. Thanks John
Good link.Design your form, a php one makes it easier, and set it up for access the same way _msgform.disp.php is used
simply call it _blogform.disp.php and provide a link to it.
You will have to do better than cut n paste spammer
Yes, you can
Here's an example of one I used to use...
Design your form, a php one makes it easier, and set it up for access the same way _msgform.disp.php is used
simply call it _blogform.disp.php and provide a link to it.
You can also link to any suitable email contact form via your menu