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1 Jun 26, 2009 20:41    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

hello all, first time I've had to post anything, as everything I've ever needed to know I've found by searching! Rock on!!

ok, a wee question I can't find an easy answer for, I want to export/extract all my blog posts as a text file of some flavour or other

had a publisher ask me to submit something, possibly a book deal out of what we're doing, so being the lazy sod I am, I thought,, if I can just dump all the posts as a file (with or without images), .txt, .rtf .csv whatever

I can just tart it up from there, bit of copy and pasting that sort of thing

one alternative might be if I could suss how to get the xml to show every post, even archived ones on one (big) page, I could cobble something together to do some of the leg work in InDesign or Quark

Its probably glaringly obvious, so apologies if I'm just being stoopid and not seeing it is the blog by the way

ta muchly!

3 Jun 26, 2009 22:30

:oops: :oops: :oops:

that was so obvious I'd have never thought of it!

mucho mucho thanks

4 Jun 26, 2009 22:40

You must have tried some really crap search terms because I've posted that solution before :|

.... having said that, buggered if I can find any of those posts, and I've tried loads of keywords :roll:


5 Jun 27, 2009 08:02

Hey, Yabba. You should pin this somewhere so it's not lost again. Great solution.

6 Jun 29, 2009 18:23

But we really need some importing/exporting procedure

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