2 sam2kb Jul 21, 2009 09:56

Ok thanks, but maybe that should be "it can be turned ON on SEO Tabs"
I like this feature, it saves a lot of page space and load time.
Plus those users who doesn't use Advanced Search plugin can finally see more or less short results :)
It also places the "more" link in an arbitrary location, eg it breaks YouTube links etc.
I can appreciate the concept but there are related formatting issues.
I changed the setting to
Full post contents (including after "<!-- more -->")
and it's not working. What am I missing?
ETA: Oops, I didn't scroll down the page and see that there were options for EACH thing, like Categories and Search and Calendar. There are just SO many more settings to look through (I just upgraded from a really old version).
It's a new feature, you can turn it off on SEO tab