2 fplanque Sep 18, 2009 22:49

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature that introduced pre-3.3.x and removed in 3.3.x. But anyway, bear with me as I try to explain it.
I'll go through my setup first so you can visualize what's going on...
- Blog A
-- Aggregating Blogs: A and B
-- widget: Simple Page List
- Blog B
-- my announcement blog and "pages" blog - b2evo-wide
- Blog C
-- Aggregating Blogs: C and D
-- widget: Simple Page List
- Blog D
-- my announcement blog and "pages" blog - b2evo-wide
The difference:
The Simple Page List widget found on Blog A (see above) only displays the posts tagged "Pages" located on itself only. It doesn't display the "pages" found on Blog B even though it is aggregating that blog (in the Blog Settings -> Advanced tab).
This is, if I remember correctly, a feature pre-3.3.x. If I edit the SPL widget, I remember seeing other options like which blogs it should pull-out "pages" from. Since I first upgraded laibcoms.asia/blog/ during the Alpha stages, I was able to set it up as such.
However, the SPL widget found on Blog C (ie gameshogun.ws) doesn't have this feature anymore. I upgraded this to 3.3.0 from 2.x. So what happens is, the SPL widget on Blog C also displays the "pages" located on Blog D since it is aggregating that blog.
I don't know if this is a bug or a feature introduced and then removed. But I just want to report that the earlier version of this widget is more useful, more controllable, and is much preferred. The current one available for 3.3.1-stable is the lesser form, more restrictive, or should I say, a "downgrade".
Currently, my solution to this problem is well to delete the Simple Page List widget and go back to manual "pages" addition via the Free HTML widget, just how I used to do it back in 2.x.
I hope this feature for "widgets" in general (being able to choose which blogs it should display, and the other settings I can not find anymore with the current release version [there were alot!!]) will be back - bug or not.
Thank you very much.
The idea is making the SPL widget very useful. Here's a scenario:
Scenario (my objective which is not possible anymore)
The "announcement"/"pages" blog will house b2evo-wide posts - like upgrade posts, contact form post, about us/network post, etc. There is of course a difference between a regular "post" and a "pages" post, and we're going to exploit that feature. Ie. contact form; about us = pages. The rest, regular posts.
Then on each blog where the real content resides, each have their own SPL widget. They can place one, two, three, and so on.
SPL #1: Will only show the "pages" found on that blog alone. This can be placed on the "Menu" container.
SPL #2: Will only show the "pages" found on the announcement/pages blog. This can be placed on the sidebar container.
Now, let's say there is another blog where other "pages" are grouped.
SPL #3: Will only show the "pages" found on the other "pages" blog. Put in the sidebar container.
That's the idea and that's what the pre-3.3.x SPL widget can do. This also compliments very well the "multi-blog"-ness of b2evolution which is the strength and +1million grade of b2evolution as compared to other platforms out there.
I am thinking ala a blog "network" here, and which is how I setup my blogs.
Wrestling with the problem still of how to specify the blog from which sideblog - simple post list? - draws its post list. And I come to the suggestion to use the Universal List Widget. Where is it? See it, I cannot.
Yea even i have the same problem cant see the ULW..
Simple Page List wisget means it's a *simple* widget.
For multiblog aggregation, you need to use the Universal List Widget instead.