2 yabba Jul 23, 2009 17:47

question 2 and 3 are related to comments not posts and problem 1 has been sorted out - thanks.
can you please point me in the direction for fixing q 2 and 3.
ok only problem 3 remains - how and where do i insert the text you suggested - obviously the class needs to change too.
Sorry, I don't have a copy of that skin
1) yes
2) if you look in your skin you should be able to move a block of code that looks like $Item->author(); ... ish
3) .... this one's a smidge harder, but look for some code that looks like echo '<div class="bPost">'; and change it to : echo '<div class="bPost'.( ( $odd = empty( $odd ) ) ? ' bPost_odd' : ' bPost_even' ).'">';