2 yabba Jul 23, 2009 20:20

THANKS...but not so much ;o/ I have no problem verifying html pages...but php pages with code coming from all over looses me. Haven't figured out yet how to find a point of reference to locate the errors referenced in the html version in the original php code.
Did figure out a way to "fake" a fix for my problem...floated the post title left and voila...spacing is still a few pixels off ...post 1 vs. all other posts...but I can live with that for now.
Have posted my last and final question and then I'm done...yeah! Made a separate post since an answer may help others who wouldn't search for post title problems. THANKS
Does this help? ( @w3c: [url=http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.lebzzzzz.com/blog2.php]validator[/url] )