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1 Aug 01, 2009 23:25    

My b2evolution Version:

Hi everyone:

I installed version 3. I didn't have a previous version installed (at least I shouldn't have, since I deleted the last one from my host). When I type (or blog) I get an error. However, when I type I get the "Index of" page with "b2evolution" as a link.

I clicked that link and was able to install the thing. However, I don't know what to do next and when I type I get the "Index of" page and a welcome message to begin the task of installing once again. It seems as if nothing happened.

It is so frustrating!! I just want to start putting content up.

What should I do? What happened?

Advice will be most appreciated. Thanks for your patience!


3 Aug 02, 2009 19:05

Whoa, I look pretty stupid! Thanks Sam2kb. So if I wanted to have it appear when I typed in, what do I need to do?

Thanks in advance. Spasibo.


4 Aug 02, 2009 19:10

Copy all files/folders from /yourdomain/b2evoltion/blogs/ to /yourdomain/ ( note : yourdomain is normally called public_html or www )

Then meander into /yourdomain/conf/_basic_config.php and alter a line that looks like :

$baseurl = '';

to look like :

$baseurl = '';


5 Aug 02, 2009 19:22

Great! Thanks so much for that speedy reply oh one with the name I cannot recreate on my keyboard! :-)

6 Aug 02, 2009 20:06

No worries ohh one with a name that's piss simple to type on a keyboard :D


7 Aug 02, 2009 21:17

Next problem I have is as follows.

I want to customize the look of the page. I don't want, for example, "Blog B", "Linkblog", "About Blog A" and such to appear on the page.

I've spent a good hour going through all the files that seemed likely to house the source for those links, but I cannot find them.

How can I play with these elements?


8 Aug 03, 2009 11:41

Hi these are the default blogs that are installed with b2evo. If you log on to the admin console you will be able to delete them or just rename them to the blog names of your choice.


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