1 mmadmin Aug 06, 2009 07:45
3 mmadmin Aug 06, 2009 09:31
got it through the index, but where is it pulling the text from? Would like to change it to Comment or something....
4 lturner Aug 06, 2009 09:41
In the above example it is using the default values. I think you will need to change some of the parameters to edit the text:
'link_text_zero' => 'I have no feedback...it makes me sad.... please send me some',
'link_text_one' => 'I have only 1 feedback, give me more',
'link_text_more' => 'Yay.... I have %d feedbacks',
I haven't tested the above but it should get you on the right track.
I have a feedback link on all the posts on my site. In my skin I added it to the posts.main.php file and the code is:
posts.main.php is the file that lists all the posts on your page. single.main.php is the file that displays a single post but depending on your skin you may or may not have those files. It may all be handled through an index.main.php file.