2 john Aug 10, 2009 09:13

Certainly it's broken .. I think ! ;)
Yes, I think it's still not right. I even tested FP's archives and if it doesn't work for him it must be broken :)
He's using b2evolution 3.3.0-rc1 ;)
You should test http://b2evolution.net/news/2008/ since they are running the latest version.
Ok so what about the issue in the above post then...
Pagination works for me on http://b2evolution.net/news/2008/ and it works on your website too http://wow-factor.com/index.php/2009/02/?paged=4
Yes I know, but it doesn't work if the settings are...
Use param E-g: http://wow-factor.com/index.php?m=20071231
Which was the default setting before upgrade
I should read more careful. You're right the links don't work with params.
It's definitely a bug, actually one of the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?t=19300]known bugs[/url] which still exist in "stable" release.
I hope b2evo won't follow Microsloth practice and release half-done software just because they already announced the release date.
Thanks for that confirmation Alex.
I thought as much about it being one that had sneaked through.
No problem :)
If we had a bugtracker... :)
Walter wrote:
If we had a bugtracker... :)
I suggest the b2evo team will make the b2evo Launchpad page the default ;) especially for bug reporting, since it is easy to use and it is there already anyway (why install bugzilla when there's one already in use :p )
I believe/hope I have fixed this now...
@Tblue, thanks
Well, I solved this by selecting....
in Date archive URLs:
This means that it doesn't work using...
Is that correct?